伸展運動證書課程 Stretching Exercise Certificate Course
伸展運動證書課程Stretching Exercise Certificate Course 課程簡介 Course Description: 長時間工作而不當的姿勢導致許多都市人的肌肉變得緊張,缺乏柔韌性。適當的伸展運動不單能預防肌肉勞損,更能減低受傷的機會。 大部份人只著重靜態伸展,然而醫學文獻上指出動態伸展對於預防運動創傷比靜態伸展更為重要及有效。 本課程揉合動態與靜態伸展,教導學員如何為客人放鬆肌肉及關節的伸展運動。 Effective Stretching technique is the key to tackle muscle tightness, poor posture and injuries prevention. In this course, not only the fundamental: static, dynamic & PNF stretching technique will be taught, but also introducing some ideas for deep stretching. 報名網址 Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/J0TueLXH7oRiK6M62 課程結構: 教學 +…